AWEMA: Naz Malik speaks exclusively to ITV Wales
Naz Malik has never spoken publicly before about the allegations of financial and managerial impropriety that engulfed the charity he ran.
He was the CEO of AWEMA, but has been accused of being a bully, a nepotist and using public funds for his own personal use.
In an exclusive interview with ITV Wales reporter Rob Osborne, he speaks publicly for the first time about those allegations, the role of the Welsh Government and lessons for the third sector in Wales.
The Welsh Government has said: "Given there is an ongoing police investigation into the activities of Mr Malik during his time as the head of AWEMA, it would be wholly inappropriate to comment."
Saquib Zia, AWEMA's former Finance Director, has commented on some of the points Mr Malik raises about him in the interview.
In regard to the employment of Tegwen Malik, which it's said Mr Zia was part of the employment panel, he says: "Ms Tegwen Malik was appoint by three members on the panel including myself for a period of three months with a salary of £20k. This salary was gradually increased along with titles up to £50k by Mr Naz Malik without getting any prior approval from the board. At every increment I told Mr Malik that these are connected party transactions should be approved by the board but Mr Malik's response was: 'This is not your responsibility. I will deal with the board.' Some retrospective ratifications relating to salaries increases were, however, sought."
On the issue of parking fines, gym memberships and sports tickets, he states: "I don't know which tickets he is referring to as I always opposed using AWEMA's money for such purposes. For me it was more moral than technical matter as AWEMA did have its own income generation too, which could have justified staff perks. As for the last set of tickets for my family, this is wrong as it was four of AWEMA's staff."
Responding to comments that Naz Malik relied on him and others to tell him the state AWEMA's finances, he says: "I refute that AWEMA's finance situation was as bleak as it has been described. Even Wales Audit Office's figures are not entirely accurate. There are a number of factors which contributed to those deficits. As for the unavailability of financial information no one ever contacted me for the information so I can't comment as to what were they looking for and where? I admit that there were delays in the preparation of financial information but there were reasonable justifications for that. Most of the delays were caused by the actions of Mr Malik himself. On this front I have already won my employment tribunal overwhelmingly."
And on the statement that Mr Zia was not a whistle-blower, he states "It is clear from Wales Audit Office report that my emails prompted these investigations."