I've got my eye on you!
Ah! It's that crisp Autumnal back to school feeling at the Senedd today. All the Assembly members are seated at their desks with their crisp new shirts , bright cardies and new haircuts. Tick which is appropriate. All settling in nicely. But hang on a minute, two of the Plaid Cymru members have swapped places . Dafydd Elis Thomas is now lording it near the front, close to leader Leanne Wood. A show of solidarity? Or is he sitting where she can keep an eye on him?
Just before FMQ's got underway, Presiding officer Rosemary Butler started as she means to go one by reminding pupil er sorry I mean Assembly member ,Joyce Watson,who had taken her time asking a question ,that questions must be shorter and sharper this term! Oh dear!
First Ministers Questions proper, though , began with questions from the leader of the opposition Andrew RT Davies, who got to his feet with a resounding cheer from his party.
His theme was the Health Service: Specifically , the shortage of doctors:
Of course , this then set off an angry response from the FM who pointed the finger at Westminster for being the source of the financial troubles that have affected the health service.
Curiously , as if by a concerted two pronged attack on the FM ,it was the Health service that occupied the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Kirsty Williams who started by asking the FM , how many doctors and in what specialities and into which hospitals had doctors been recruited in the Work for Wales campaign? The FM said that those figures would be available as the campaign progressed which brought a terse reply.
As you might expect , there was a swift riposte with the finger yet again pointing down the M4 to England
And Leanne Wood , who had earlier in the day been stressing the importance of Wales building on the positive benefits brought to us by the Olympics and Paralympics turned her attention to the important role she believes that all trade unions should play in the Workforce Partnership Council .
So, the first day almost behind us, it feels like we've never been away.