Advertisement Schools evacuated after second round of 'malicious calls' A number of schools have been evacuated for the second time in four days in Northern Ireland after what police have described as "malicious communications". Share Tweet Reddit
24 May 2016 at 12:36pm Education Authority working with PSNI The Education Authority has released a statement confirming they are working with police to handle the situation. "The Education Authority has been made aware of malicious communications to a number of schools today. "Schools have in place policies and procedures for dealing with such incidents. "They have been working closely with their local PSNI Officers and taking the relevant precautionary measures to ensure the safety of all children." – Education Authority Last updated Fri 27 May 2016 Read more 8 updates Schools evacuated after second round of 'malicious calls' Education Share Tweet Reddit
Primary school alerts over ‘malicious communication’ Omagh County Primary School and Kilmaine PS in Bangor have been evacuated after receiving malicious communications on Friday.
No devices found amid hoax alerts at NI schools Hoax bomb warnings are received by seven schools across Northern Ireland on Tuesday.