Warning that NI health services facing ‘severe pressure’

The Department of Health (DOH) has issued an apology to patients who are “waiting longer than they have to” for treatment in hospitals with a warning that the health service in Northern Ireland is currently experiencing “severe pressure”.

The number of flu cases is a “significant contributory factor”, according to the Health Minister Mike Nesbitt.

A statement from the DOH said: “The department, on behalf of the health and social care system, apologises to all patients who are waiting longer than they should and thanks patients and families for their continuing co-operation.

“Every one of us can help the health service get through this winter, including by using services appropriately, getting your vaccines if eligible, co-operating with hospital discharge processes and doing all we can to stay well.”

The statement said health trusts are maximising available hospital bed capacity.

“Close co-operation with independent social care providers is ongoing. This includes a focus on promptly assessing patients ahead of transfers from hospitals to care homes.

“An app has been developed and is being deployed to provide real time information on available care home places, and digital solutions introduced to maximise trust home care availability.”

Mr Nesbitt paid tribute to the work of health staff and said he was being regularly updated on pressures.

He added: “I warned several weeks ago that the health and social care system was again facing a very difficult winter period.

“Winter preparedness plans were of course developed but they were always going to mitigate the pressures rather than eradicate them.

“Serious challenges are also being experienced in neighbouring health services, with flu cases a significant contributory factor.

“I am assured that everything that can be done by the HSC (health and social care) system in the current situation is being done.

“Longer-term solutions require both investment and reform to increase capacity and ensure services can better meet the needs of our community.”