Newry mum-of-five who lost baby and leg and got breast cancer trains to run triathlon

UTV News health reporter Deborah McAleese meets the inspiring runner.

Rosie Tennyson is a busy mum of five.

Life may be hectic, but she is determined to achieve one of her life goals - to complete a Triathlon.

What makes Rosie’s drive to succeed so remarkable is that she plans to do this despite having a leg amputated and falling ill with breast cancer. 

“I just want to live … You have to believe in yourself. I want to keep going,” Rosie told UTV News.

Rosie has always loved running so she was devastated when she lost her leg in December 2016 due to an arterial venous malformation  - an abnormal connection between arteries and veins.

But she soon learnt how to walk again with a prosthetic leg.

In 2018 however her life was turned upside down once again. While pregnant, Rosie was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Her mother had died of breast cancer when Rosie was just nine. The cancer was found while Rosie was being tested for the BRCA2 gene.

Rosie lost her unborn baby. 

She went through chemotherapy and a double masectomy and in June 2020 had preventative surgery to remove her ovaries.

Through all of this, the 41-year-old Newry woman never lost her passion for running.

With the aid of a prosthetic blade she is now training for the 100km in 30 days event in June to raise funds for Breast Cancer Ireland.

But she has no intention of stopping there and aims to take part in a Triathlon in the future.

“I want to keep trying. I just keep thinking, well why not try? You need to be your own best friend and root for yourself."