Police issue warning over ‘contaminated cocaine’

Police are warning that a particularly harmful batch of contaminated cocaine could be circulating in NI. Credit: PA

Police have issued a warning over a potential supply of contaminated cocaine circulating in parts of Northern Ireland.

PSNI Detective Superintendent Bobby Singleton, from PSNI’s Organised Crime Unit, said: “Police have received information that there may be a contaminated supply of cocaine in the Co Antrim and Co Londonderry areas.

“The information suggests that anybody consuming these drugs could experience serious adverse effects.”

DS Singleton added: “All drugs carry risks and have the potential to be a poison.

“I’d appeal to anyone with any information on these or other suspected drugs in their community to contact police on the non-emergency number 101.

“Alternatively people can provide information through the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime.”