On tour with the Royal Irish in Afghanistan

The Royal Irish Regiment is currently the backbone of the UK’s military response in Afghanistan.

In a series of special reports, Paul Clark has been taking a look at some of the work they have been doing in the Afghan capital of Kabul.

A terror attack there on Monday killed at least 30 people when a Taliban suicide car bomb exploded - despite a huge international military presence.

The Royal Irish Regiment is part of that operation and soldiers from all over Ireland, are serving with NATO to help stabilise and rebuild the country.

They are no strangers to Afghanistan - during the war, which lasted from 2001 until 2014, they had served on a number of tours of Helmand Province in the south of the country.

But when the war ended, NATO handed responsibility for security to the afghan government, and today, the Royal Irish are here by invitation, supporting the Afghan Army.

They are based in Kabul, but they are not patrolling the streets of the capital - instead, they are assisting the present generation of Afghan soldiers.

  • WATCH: Paul's first report looks at the Kabul Protection Unit

  • WATCH: Infantry training in Kabul

  • WATCH: Casualty extraction and marksmanship exercises

  • WATCH: Who are these soldiers?

  • WATCH: The soldiers prepare for the end of their deployment