Lack of trust between parties 'threatening devolution' - Long

Alliance leader Naomi Long has said the devolution project could be lost because of the lack of trust between the parties.

She added that a deal by Friday is unlikely.

Ms Long said: "What we have here is far too precious to simply squander because of vanity projects of individual parties.

"If we do not restore devolution we have lost this project.

"We have invested in this over my entire lifetime to get from where we were in the early 1970s to where we are now.

"You do not throw that away lightly - you certainly don't do it over what are relatively minor differences."

The talks to save Northern Ireland's power-sharing instiutions have continued this week but the parties have reported little progress.

Issues such as legacy and an Irish Language Act are being discussed.

Secretary of State James Brokenshire has set a deadline of 18 April for an agreement, however Friday is effectively being seen as the deadline.

After that another election may have to be called or direct rule may have to be imposed from Westminster.

James Brokenshire has said he would make the decision over Easter.

Earlier on Tuesday, representatives from business and civic society journeyed to Stormont to deliver an open letter to Parliament Buildings calling on politicians to put aside their differences.

The letter said stable government was needed to guarantee peace, attract investment, deliver job creation and advance social progress.