IN PICS: Critically endangered gorilla born at Belfast Zoo

A critically endangered Western lowland gorilla has been born at Belfast Zoo.

Olivia arrived on 28 August to parents Namoki and Gugas.

However, keepers only recently discovered she was a girl, as gorilla babies cling to their mother’s stomach for the first few months.

Credit: Belfast Zoo

As well as Namoki and Gugas, the new arrival has joined Delilah, Kwanza, Kamili and infants, Baako and Kibibi.

Credit: Belfast Zoo

Western lowland gorillas come from the dense forests of western central Africa.

Julie Mansell from Belfast Zoo said: “All ape species are endangered or critically endangered.

“Our mission, as a zoo, is to be a major force in conserving and safeguarding habitats and wildlife to make a significant contribution to their survival in the future.”