
  1. National

Government pull vote on relaxing fox hunting ban

The government has made a last minute decision to pull a vote on relaxing fox hunting which was due to take place tomorrow.

It comes after the SNP said they would oppose the changes despite the reforms only applying to England and wales, prompting the English Votes for English Laws debate once more.

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Cameron: SNP position is 'entirely opportunistic'

David Cameron has said the SNP have been "entirely opportunistic" in their action on the foxhunting vote.

ITV News' Correspondent Libby Wiener asked the Prime Minister if he had been "outfoxed" by Nicola Sturgeon on the issue.

"I wouldn't quite put it like, that but the position of the SNP has up to now always been clear.

"They do not vote on matters that are purely of interest to England and Wales, particularly if they have already settled that issue in Scotland.

"So I find the position today entirely opportunistic and very hard to explain it in any other way," he replied.

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