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Corrie stars pay tribute to 'loveable' Anne Kirkbride

Coronation Street stars past and present have paid tribute to the "caring, loveable and funny" Anne Kirkbride, who played Deirdre Barlow in the soap for more than 40 years.

Smiles and laughter were the theme at Manchester Cathedral in a celebration of the life of the popular actress, who was hailed for creating one of television's "truly great characters".

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Corrie stars pay tribute to 'loveable' Anne Kirkbride

Coronation Street stars past and present have paid tribute to the "caring, loveable and funny" Anne Kirkbride, who played Deirdre Barlow in the soap for more than 40 years.

Smiles and laughter were the theme at Manchester Cathedral in a celebration of the life of the popular actress, who was hailed for creating one of television's "truly great characters".

ITV News Reporter Helen Callaghan reports:

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