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Crunch time on EU as Cameron meets Merkel for referendum talks

David Cameron is holding talks with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin today - someone he needs to win over if he is to have any chance of pushing his EU reform plans through.

He is also due to meet the Polish Prime Minister today, as he wraps up his bid to renegotiate the terms of the UK's membership of the European Union with key leaders.

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David Cameron to hold crunch talks with Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel meets David Cameron in January Credit: Facundo Arrizabalaga / PA Wire

David Cameron is to round off his whirlwind tour of major European leaders with a crucial meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The Prime Minister is looking to build support for his plans to renegotiate the terms of the UK's membership of the EU, and he'll need the agreement of the German premier if he is to have any hope of success.

However, there has been little sign of enthusiasm for treaty change. France and Germany have reportedly agreed that closer integration of the eurozone countries can be achieved without altering treaties - potentially reducing Britain's leverage.

This morning Mr Cameron will be in Warsaw for talks with Polish counterpart Ewa Kopacz, before heading for Berlin to see Mrs Merkel.

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