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Theresa May faces questions 'over CIA terror report'

Theresa May faces questions over her role in the parts which were redacted from the American Senate's damning report on torture techniques used by the CIA after 9/11.

MPs on the influential Home Affairs Select Committee want to know whether she asked for sections to be redacted because they could embarrass Westminster.

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Theresa May faces questions 'over CIA terror report'

The Home Secretary will be grilled over her involvement in parts of a controversial US report on CIA interrogation techniques which were hidden from the public.

Theresa May faces questions over her role in the parts which were redacted from the American Senate's damning report on torture techniques used by the CIA after 9/11.

MPs on the influential Home Affairs select committee want to know whether she asked for sections to be blacked out because they could embarrass Westminster.

Downing Street confirmed the Home Secretary met with the committee behind the US report and the encounter would have covered a "wide range of issues".

However, MPs are in the dark over the extent of the UK's involvement in the torture of terror suspects and want to know if former Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Foreign Secretary Jack Straw were in anyway complicit.

Mrs May will appear in front of the committee at 4:30pm.

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