
  1. National

Theresa May faces questions 'over CIA terror report'

Theresa May faces questions over her role in the parts which were redacted from the American Senate's damning report on torture techniques used by the CIA after 9/11.

MPs on the influential Home Affairs Select Committee want to know whether she asked for sections to be redacted because they could embarrass Westminster.

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'Blair has always been opposed to use of torture'

Tony Blair's office have issued a statement saying the ex-PM "has always been opposed to the use of torture", after a call was made for former government leaders to face questions over Britain's involvement with a secret CIA-led interrogation and torture programme.

Tony Blair Credit: Dennis Van Tine/Geisler-Fotopres/DPA/Press Association Images

A spokesman for Blair said: "For the avoidance of doubt, Tony Blair has always been opposed to the use of torture, has always said so publicly and privately, has never condoned its use and - as is shown by internal government documentation already made public - thinks it is totally unacceptable.

"He believes the fight against radical Islamism is a fight about values, and acting contrary to those values - as in the use of torture - is therefore not just wrong but counter-productive."

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