
  1. National

Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson resigns

Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot dead unarmed black teenager Michael Brown has resigned from the Ferguson Police Department, his attorney said, according to Associated Press.

The news agency reported the decision, which comes nearly four months after the fatal confrontation with the black 18-year-old that fueled protests in the St. Louis suburb and across the nation.

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15 protesters arrested overnight in Ferguson

A policeman and member of the National Guard detain a man who was demanding justice for the killing of Michael Brown. Credit: Reuters

Fifteen people were arrested overnight in Ferguson after taking part in protests against a decision not to indict the white police officer who killed an unarmed black teenager.

Tensions escalated after police said protesters began illegally blocking an avenue.

A group of around 100 protesters had marched down the avenue towards the city's police and fire departments chanting, blocking traffic and stopping in front of businesses. One protester said:

I served my country. I spent four years in the Army, and I feel like that's not what I served my country for. I served my country for justice for everyone. Not because of what colour, what age, what gender or anything.

– Ebonie Tyse, 26, St Louis

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