
  1. National

STV poll predicts Labour election decline in Scotland

A new poll suggests Labour and the Liberal Democrats are both facing potential general election disaster in Scotland.

The survey for STV suggests if there were an election tomorrow, the SNP would register a massive landslide, winning 54 of the 59 Scottish seats up for grabs.

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Sturgeon: Labour support 'in freefall'

SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon said support for the party is further proof that the referendum has changed Scottish politics.

Membership of the party has more than tripled to over 83,000 since the No vote on independence last month.

In light of results of an Ipsos MORI poll, which put the nationalists' well above the three main Westminster parties', Sturgeon said: "More and more people are choosing to put their trust in the SNP as disillusion with the entire Westminster establishment grows.

"London Labour's treatment of their party in Scotland as nothing more than a 'branch office' has left them in meltdown.

"As a result, people across the country realise that Ed Miliband doesn't speak for them and Labour support is in freefall."

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