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Ched Evans makes video appeal for 'second chance' after rape conviction

Ched Evans has issued a video statement asking for a "second chance" to resume his professional football career after serving a prison sentence for rape.

The former Sheffield United striker, sitting alongside his girlfriend Natasha Massey, said was his "hope" to return to the game, adding: "If that is possible then I will do so with humility."

Evans said he would "continue the fight to clear my name" after his release from prison last week.

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Ched Evans' aunt: 'He will never show remorse'

Ched Evans' aunt has attacked the footballer for not apologising to the victim of the rape for which he was convicted.

Nina Evans, 56, told the Sun: “Ched won’t grasp or listen. He won’t admit he’s done wrong. He’ll never show remorse.”

Footballer Ched Evans outside court. Credit: PA

Ms Evans, who works as an addiction counsellor and sometimes treats rape victims, said she was very disappointed in a video apology her nephew made.

In the video Evans apologised to girlfriend Natasha Massey but did not mention his victim.

“It cut me like a knife. I hoped he’d come to his senses and say the right thing. What about his poor victim? It’s a massive insult to her," Ms Evans said.

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