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Over 1.7 million children take part in 'Healthy Eating Week'

Just under 2 million pupils will take part in Healthy Eating Week, as the British Nutrition Foundation revealed thousands of school children did not know enough about the food they were eating.

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Almost 2 million children in 'Healthy Eating Week'

Some 1.7 million pupils are taking part in "Healthy Eating Week" after a general lack of knowledge about nutrition among Britain's school children was revealed by the British Nutrition Foundation.

Some school's are joining the School Food Plan to teach pupils nutrition. Credit: PA

The health charity found the majority of 11-16 year olds (52%) believe carbohydrate provides more energy than either fat or protein when fat has more calories.

Children were found to be confused about what went into their five-a-day; more than a fifth of 11-14 year olds and 16% of 14-16-year-olds believe that frozen fruit and vegetables do not count.

One quarter of 11-14 year olds and a fifth of 14-16-year-olds did not think that canned fruit and vegetables count.

However, 85.5% of children aged between 5-16-years-old did know they were supposed to consume five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

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