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Anti-psychotic drugs 'given to learning disabilities patients'

Anti-psychotic medication is given to more than two thirds of inpatients with learning disabilities in specialist units, a census has shown. The findings are the result of further analysis of the 2013 Learning Disability Census.

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Link in use of restraint and anti-psychotic medication

The Health and Social Care Information Centre has said there appears to be an association between hands-on restraint and the administration of anti-psychotic medication on inpatients with learning disabilities.

40% of those given drugs experienced hands-on restraint. Credit: Ben Birchall/Press Association Images

Kingsley Manning, chair of the HSCIC, said: "The Learning Disabilities Census, and this further analysis, is an important contribution to understanding how episodes such as those seen at Winterbourne View Hospital can be avoided in the future."

Some 40% of the 2,220 given these drugs experienced at least one instance of hands-on restraint compared to 21.5% of the 1,030 who were not given any of this medication. And 78% of service users were subject to the Mental Health Act on census day, compared with 22% classified as informal patients.

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