Coalition rift over immigration
Vince Cable has hit out at Conservative immigration policy at the Liberal Democrats spring conference as a row rumbles on over politicians' use of migrant workers.
Vince Cable has hit out at Conservative immigration policy at the Liberal Democrats spring conference as a row rumbles on over politicians' use of migrant workers.
Whenthe new immigration minister James Brokenshire attacked what he called the "wealthy, metropolitan elite" for benefiting from cheap foreign labour, it's unlikely he meant to point the finger at the Prime Minister.
But his words have now come back to haunt the government, after it emerged the Camerons had hired a Nepalese woman as a nanny who later gained British citizenship.
Tonight, Number 10 were forced to clarify her immigration status after questions from Labour and journalists.
She had put Samantha Cameron down as her employer but there was no special pleading on her behalf.
Do these domestic arrangements really matter politically? Well, it shows what a sensitive subject immigration continues to be - and why getting the tone right can be tricky.
The Democratic presidential candidate may also have shown his cards on his choice of running mate.
The US president also shared a post on Twitter accusing Dr Anthony Fauci of misleading the public over hydroxychloroquine.
Fears over an impending second wave of coronavirus dominates Wednesday’s front pages.