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Coalition rift over immigration

Vince Cable has hit out at Conservative immigration policy at the Liberal Democrats spring conference as a row rumbles on over politicians' use of migrant workers.

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Cable 'intensely relaxed' on migrants 'if pay their way'

Business Secretary Vince Cable is expected to say he is "intensely relaxed" about people coming to study and work in the UK "provided that they pay their taxes and pay their way".

Former Labour minister Lord Mandelson once famously said he was "intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich as long as they paid their taxes".

Liberal Democrat Business Secretary Vince Cable will make an immigration speech tonight. Credit: PA Wire

During a speech at Mansion House tonight, Mr Cable will say, "I start from a fairly simple, basic economic proposition embedded in the EU Single Market: free trade - that is, the free movement of goods, services and labour - is good.

"This is particularly true about the free movement of people bringing skills in demand."

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