
  1. National

Sienna Miller: 'I love you' message to Craig misconstrued

Actress Sienna Miller has confirmed at the phone-hacking trial that she left a voicemail message for James Bond star Daniel Craig ending "I love you," but said it has been misinterpreted.

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  1. Juliet Bremner - ITV News Correspondent

Law recently learned of family member's link to NotW

Jude Law was told an "immediate family member" had supplied information of an affair between Sienna Miller and Daniel Craig. Credit: Sean Dempsey/PA Wire

Jude Law said he had never known that anyone in his family had been paid for information but had become aware recently that someone had been approached by the News of the World.

He also accepted that his publicist had frequently talked to reporters at the newspaper but could not be specific about this story.

"There were so many stories," he said, adding: "I seemed to have a publicist on speed dial so I could keep up with what was being written."

The names of the relative, the publicist and a former employee who it was suggested had also given information, were not revealed in court.

Instead, two pieces of folded paper with the names on were handed to Mr Law.

He acknowledged the names, which the court was told were being withheld because of the need to protect the identity of sources.

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