
  1. National

PM hails 'year of progress'

David Cameron has used his Christmas message to say that he feels Britain is making "real progress", strengthening its economy and creating jobs. He also revived his concept of the "Big Society".

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Miliband praises Christmas workers in message

Labour leader Ed Miliband. Credit: John Giles/PA Wire/Press Association Images

In his Christmas message, Labour leader Ed Miliband paid tribute to those people who would be spending time over the festive season caring for the lonely and the homeless.

"As Christians prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we should also take time to think of all those alone or suffering at this time of year," he said.

"I would like to pay particular tribute to the many people, churches and charities who will be looking after those who are alone or homeless this Christmas time.

"We should also pay tribute to those who will be working so that the rest of us have an enjoyable break, especially our medical staff, our police and our armed forces, thank you for your service."

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