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Sex offences sentencing guidelines overhaul

Sex-offending celebrities could see their public image used against them when being punished as part of an overhaul of decade-old sentencing guidance for judges.

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Tougher sentences for sex crimes met with praise

Tougher sentencing guidelines for sex offenders have been met with praise by children's campaigners.

The NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless praised the removal of "ostensible consent", the idea a child over the age of 13 can consent to sex, as "a step in the right direction".

It is important sentencing reflects the severe damage caused by highly manipulative and devious sex offenders, who may use positions of trust or celebrity status to target children.

Technology is playing a part in the way offenders seek out and groom children....It is right the guidelines reflect the harm caused and the people who cause this misery feel the full weight of the law.

The outdated view children can in some way be complicit in their abuse must be stamped out. The new guidance is a step in the right direction towards addressing this terrible myth.

– NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless

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