
  1. National

Inspectors find dirt and maggots inside GP surgery

The health regulator, The Care Quality Commission, has uncovered a catalogue of failings at some GP practices with medicines stored in a way that puts children and patients at risk of infection and rooms so dirty they had maggots.

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Dirty GP surgeries 'a small but important problem'

Dr Peter Swinyard said surgeries which repeatedly failed to meet standards should be shut. Credit: DaybreakITV

"A very small number" of GPs surgeries were in a state of disrepair and this does not reflect every health centre in the UK, a doctor from Swindon said.

However, GP Dr Peter Swinyard told Daybreak the 0.9% of surgeries which were declared "a serious cause of concern" by inspectors were "a small problem, but a very important one" and urged doctors not to ignore bad practice.

"Where they exist we must work very hard to remedy the situation, or at worst if the doctors and the surgeries won't improve...I am afraid the surgeries must be helped to close down or reprevision their services properly."

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