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Universal Credit switchover to miss 2017 deadline

The switchover to the Government's flagship Universal Credit system will not be fully completed by the 2017 deadline, the Department of Work and Pensions has said.

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IDS: We're working to ensure benefit progress goes on

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has said the Government is going to get Universal Credit right by bringing it in "carefully and responsibly". His comments come after he admitted the scheme may not be fully rolled out until 2017.

This is a once in a generation reform. And we’re going to get it right by bringing it in carefully and responsibly.

Our approach will ensure that while we continue to enhance the IT for Universal Credit, we will learn from and expand the existing service, so that we fully under stand how people interact with it, and how we can best support them.

Early indications show that people are positive about the new benefit, and my Department is working hard to ensure this good progress continues.

– Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith

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