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£29m for face-to-face justice

The Government is hoping to cut the reoffending rate among prisoners by having perpetrators of crime meet their victims. Nearly £30m is being set aside for "restorative justice" - where victims of crime meet those responsible for the harm.

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Govt wants criminals and victims to meet face-to-face

Those responsible for ruining lives through crime should meet their victims face-to-face, according to the Ministry of Justice.

More criminals should be forced to meet the victims of their crimes to cut re-offending rates, the Government has said. Credit: PA

The Government has announced a £29m funding boost for the criminal justice system to introduce more "restorative justice" measures, in the hopes of cutting re-offending.

A recent study by the Ministry of Justice linked the conferencing process of restorative justice with a 14% cut in re-offending, while 85% of victims who took part said they were satisfied with the experience.

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and charities will receive the funding, which has been recovered from offenders, Justice Minister Damian Green said.

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