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Firms urged to cut costly calls

Financial firms have been urged to lower the cost of their high-rate customer and complaint lines after a study for consumer watchdog Which? found 73% are high-rate numbers.

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084 and 087 numbers the norm for financial call lines

Consumer watchdog Which? found 95% of credit card providers studied and 89% of current account providers use expensive 084 or 087 numbers for complaints or customer service help lines.

Existing customers are also being charged more than new ones, with free 0800 numbers used for 52% of sales or new customer lines compared with just 26% for existing customers and 21% for complaints.

The survey of 2,070 found 39% prefer to call financial firms with an inquiry and 31% would rather complain by phone.

A British Bankers' Association spokesman said:

All banks are actively looking at how they can reduce costs for customers. We expect to see many banks changing to use local numbers for complaints in the near future and it is good to see that some banks have already committed to doing so.

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