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'Needless' breast cancer deaths

Hundreds of poor women in England die needlessly from breast cancer every year, experts have warned. There are around 450 avoidable deaths among women from deprived areas each year, a study suggests.

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450 lives 'could be saved' each year from breast cancer

Researchers based at the Universities of Leicester and Cambridge analysed how advanced breast cancer was in over 20,000 women diagnosed between 2006-2010 using data from the National Cancer Registration Service.

They then calculated how many lives could be saved with five years of diagnosis if the stage at diagnosis for poorer women matched those of the most affluent women.

If these socio-economic differences were removed, the equivalent of around 450 lives would be saved in England every year, they said.

These avoidable deaths are not due to differences in the response to treatment, or the type of breast cancer.

– Dr Gary Abel, statistician at the University of Cambridge and study author.

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