
  1. National

68% of Tesco salad 'wasted'

Tesco is dropping some food promotions after finding that two-thirds of produce grown for bagged salad is wasted.

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Your comments and views on food waste

Following Tesco's discovery that the average family spends £700 a year on food that is thrown away, we asked ITV News viewers, "How much food do you waste every week?"

  • Dawn Robson says, "I never throw away food, I write a list of meals I'm making that week and only buy what I need ... Those who throw food away must be rich and have money to burn."
  • Jenny Collins comments, "Maybe they should make bagged salad in smaller portions? I quite regularly throw away half a bag."
  • Steven Jefferies says he throws away "loads" of food, adding, "Being single it is more expensive to buy individual items than it is pre-packed."

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