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Children 'lacking in exercise'

Half of all seven-year-olds do not get enough exercise - and girls are far less active than boys, research shows.

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BMJ: Promote walking or cycling to school

More needs to be done to boost the amount of exercise children are doing, including promoting walking or cycling to school, said researchers behind new data on the exercise habits of Britain's youngsters.

Last year the London 2012 Olympic Games promised to inspire a generation to take part in sport. The UK sporting success in August 2012 provided a platform for the Government's plans for an Olympic and Paralympic sporting legacy, to encourage and enable pupils to engage in competitive sports and activities.

The results of our study provide a useful baseline and strongly suggest that contemporary UK children are insufficiently active, implying that effort is needed to boost physical activity among young people to the level appropriate for good health

– Researchers for the BMJ

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