
  1. National

Shah defends abuse comments

Former newspaper tycoon Eddy Shah has sought to clarify his comments that young girls can be "to blame" for the abuse they suffer. Shah told ITV News he was referring only to "historical" cases.

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Witch hunt language 'belittles justice for rape victims'

Rape Crisis UK says that comments by the newspaper tycoon Eddy Shah that investigations into alleged abuse following the Jimmy Savile scandal are "a witch hunt", undermine the justice given to rape victims.

"There is no mitigation or excuse - 100% of the responsibility for any act of violence lies with its perpetrator(s)" said Katie Russell from Rape Crisis UK. "Uncomfortable as it might be for us to accept the extent of sexual violence in our society."

"It is essential that we don't allow the lawful process of pursuing justice for survivors, some of whom have lived with their experiences for decades, to be undermined, dismissed and belittled with the language of 'witch-hunts."

"Those who abused positions of power to rape and sexually assault vulnerable women and children must be brought to account, and there is nothing of Salem about that."

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