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Women facing 'deadly violence'

Demonstrations are taking place in two hundred countries to raise awareness of violence against women. The One Billion Rising campaign claims one in three women will be a victim of violence at some point in their lifetime.

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London flash-mob for One Billion Rising campaign

Protesters held up a finger for the 1 billion rising

A flash-mob of dancers launched the One Billion Rising campaign in Parliament Square this morning as V-Day, a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls, marked its year-long campaign.

A sign is put in to the hands of the Parliament Square Nelson Mandela statue

Today, women and men in 206 countries are expected to come together in the largest day of mass action ever to stop violence against women and girls.

Actress Thandie Newton address the crowds

The campaign, launched on Valentine's Day last year, began as a call to action based on the staggering claim that one in three women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime.

With the world population at seven billion, this means that a billion women could be subjected to violence.

Purple balloons were released in Parliament Square

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