
  1. National

Hospital wards 'understaffed'

More than half of nurses think their ward or unit is dangerously understaffed, a Nursing Times survey revealed today. Nearly six out of 10 (57%) described their ward as sometimes or always "dangerously understaffed", the research showed.

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Department of Health: 'More clinical staff working in NHS now than two years ago'

A Department of Health statement has responded to today's Nursing Time survey and its findings that suggest more than half of nurses think their ward or unit is dangerously understaffed.

There are more clinical staff working in the NHS now than there were in May 2010, and nearly 2,500 new nurses started working in NHS in October 2012 alone.

Hospitals are in charge of setting staffing levels but nursing leaders have been clear that they should publish staffing details and the evidence to show the numbers are right and safe for the services they deliver.

We are working with the sector skills councils, unions and employers to develop minimum training standards and a new code of conduct for health support workers.

– Department of Health spokesperson

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