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Disability assessment debate

A debate will take place in the House of Commons today about assessments for people with disabilities on their fitness for work. The company which carries out assessments for work capability, Atos, has been widely criticised.

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Atos Healthcare: 'We investigate every complaint'

Today MPs will debate concerns over the company used to assess people with disabilities on whether they are fit to work.

The Work Assessments were introduced in 2008 and amended in 2010.

We know that this can be a difficult process for people and we do all we can to make sure the service we provide is as professional and compassionate as possible. We have been doing this work for the Department for over a decade and our staff are fully trained and experienced with many coming directly from the NHS.

We know that with a contract as complex and important as this, which has an impact on peoples lives, it is our duty to continually work to improve which is why we ask for feedback from the Department and those claiming benefit. We investigate every complaint that is made to us.

– Atos Healthcare spokesperson

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