
  1. National

23,000 police staff 'moonlight'

More than 23,000 police officers and staff are moonlighting in second jobs, according to the Mail on Sunday. The report came as Labour MP Keith Vaz said confidence in the police had been shaken by the "plebgate" affair and Hillsborough findings.

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Vaz warns of 'dangerous cocktail' shaking police confidence

Keith Vaz MP, chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, writing in the Sunday Express about "plebgate", has said:

What appears to have happened to Andrew Mitchell could well have been a Christmas special script. The chief whip had to resign following a 60-second 'incident' in, of all places, Downing Street.

Take a police officer apparently masquerading as a member of the public, a confidential log book finding its way into the public domain, add the results of the Hillsborough Inquiry, which have resulted in thousands of serving and former police officers being investigated, and the fact that 26 out of the 43 police forces do not have a permanent chief constable, and you have a dangerous cocktail.

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