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UEFA appeals against sanctions

UEFA has appealed against the sanctions that its own control and disciplinary body imposed on Serbia and England for incidents in an Under-21 match in October.

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FA: Disappointed with UEFA's punishment of players

The FA has responded to UEFA 's punishment over England's U-21 match against Serbia:

We are disappointed with the sanctions levied by UEFA with regards to the racist behaviour displayed towards England’s players.

Let’s be clear, racism is unacceptable in any form, and should play no part in football.

The scenes were deplorable and we do not believe the sanction sends a strong enough message.

It is The FA’s vehement belief that its players and staff acted correctly in the face of provocation, including racist abuse and missiles being thrown.

We are therefore surprised to see that two of our players have been given suspensions.

We shall await UEFA’s reasoning but it is our intention, at this stage, to support our players and appeal these decisions.

– FA General Secretary Alex Horne

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