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Teachers to 'face sack sooner'

Schools are to be given tough new powers to weed out incompetent teachers under Government plans to drive up education standards.

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How are poor teachers dealt with?

  • 740 teachers were accused of inadequacy over the past 18 months according to a survey of 82 Local Education Authorities.
  • The figure that would equate to almost 1,600 if repeated across England and Wales.
  • During the same period heads sacked just 154 teachers in the 82 LEAs surveyed, equal to 327 across the country or about four a week over the last year and a half.
  • The figures, released in December 2011, were obtained through an FOI request
  • Education experts said excessive red tape and the strength of teaching unions mean it is too hard to sack underperforming staff.
  • Instead many schools encourage poor teachers to move to other schools, ensuring they remain in the classroom "year after year", it was claimed.

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