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Murdoch press freedom warning

Elisabeth Murdoch became the third member of her family to give the celebrated MacTaggart lecture at the Edinburgh International Television Festival. In the speech she warned of the threat to Press freedom from "enemies within".

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Murdoch warns of media threat from 'enemies within'

Elisabeth Murdoch also warned of the threat to press freedom from "enemies within" - an apparent reference to those accused of involvement in the News International phone-hacking scandal.

She said News Corp was "currently asking itself some very significant and difficult questions about how some behaviours fell so short of its values".

In regard to the impact on press freedoms following the scandal, she said:

Let's see what the Leveson Inquiry recommends but, when there has been such an unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions, it is very difficult to argue for the right outcome - which must be the fierce protection of a free press and light-touch media regulation. Sadly, the greatest threats to our free society are too often from enemies within.

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