
  1. National

Warning over petrol price rise

The Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) have warned of an impending petrol price hike on the forecourt. The price of Brent Crude has increased by 10% in the last two weeks to $116 a barrel.

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The AA costs up the price of a tank

The AA have released the following figures to illustrate the changes in prices at the pump:

Monthly petrol cost for two-car family:

  • Now - £287.76
  • Record high - £302.54
  • Summer low - £277.76

Cost of 50-litre petrol refill:

  • Now (135.52p/ltr) - £67.76
  • Record high (16 April – 142.48p/ltr) - £71.24
  • Summer low (1 July – 130.81p/ltr) - £65.41

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