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Weather chaos for festival fans

The Isle of Wight Festival is underway after heavy rains and mud caused traffic chaos among those attempting to get there. The festival's Big Top was also cleared during high winds.

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Promoter apologises for chaotic start to festival

Police have warned festival-goers and local residents to expect delays after the event finishes Credit: Peter Byrne/PA Wire

The promoter of the Isle of Wight Festival has apologised for the chaos caused by heavy rains at the start of the event and promised that lessons would be learned for future years, as scores of revellers began to start their journeys home to avoid the expected slow exit.

John Giddings said: "We knew it was going to happen, we were prepared, we knew there would be adverse weather conditions, it was just slow and we caused a great traffic jam and I am sorry to all those who got stuck in it."

Mr Giddings said that he was working with the police and the local council to create a plan to help people get away from the festival as easily as possible after Springsteen closes the event this evening.

It involves more than 100 4x4 vehicles being on duty in the car parks to help tow stuck vehicles out as well as up to 50 extra police officers being drafted in to help the 100 police staff on duty during the weekend.

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