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bmibaby airline to close

The low fare airline bmibaby is set to close later this year, putting 800 jobs at risk.

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Pilots' union: Frustrated and angry at bmibaby closure

Reacting to the news that low fare carrier bmibaby is set to close, pilots' union Balpa has hit out at the decision by Flybe (part owned by British Airways) to move into former bmibaby routes without consulting staff.

General secretary Jim McAuslan warned his union would "use whatever means we can" to protect jobs.

Bmibaby pilots are disappointed and frustrated that, even though there appears to be potential buyers, we are prevented from speaking with them to explore how we can contribute to developing a successful business plan.

The frustration has now turned to anger following the news that Flybe has moved onto many of these bmibaby routes without any opportunity for staff to look at options and alternatives.

Balpa's priority is to protect jobs; and we will use whatever means we can to do so."

– Jim McAuslan, general secretary of the pilots' union Balpa

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