
  1. National

Thusha 'scared' after shooting

The six year old girl who was shot in a gang-related attack has told the Daily Mail of her fears of being hurt again.

Thusha Kamaleswaran is expected to be permanently wheelchair-bound after a bullet hit her in the chest.

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Thusha's mother constantly relives shooting

Sharmila Kamaleswaran cannot sleep after the shooting Credit: John Stillwell/PA Wire

Thusha Kamaleswaran's mother said every time she closes her eyes she sees her daughter "lying on the ground covered in blood".

Sharmila Kamaleswaran told the Daily Mail: "We have to do everything for her. If she wants to go to the next room we have to carry her. I miss her when she is in the hospital. But I cannot sleep when she is here with me.

"I wake up in the night and the terrible events come back to me again. I stroke Thusha’s legs and cry. I cannot sleep. When I close my eyes I see Thusha lying on the ground covered in blood. Now I have to take sleeping tablets."

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