
The North East reacts to the 2016 budget

MP's, businesses and experts react to the 2016 budget, delivered by the Chancellor George Osborne.

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MP for Newcastle North criticises the budget for failing to address Air Passenger Duty issues

Catherine McKinnell, the MP for Newcastle North, has criticised the Chancellor for failing to mention Air Passenger duty (APD) during the budget.

Earlier this week, the Scottish Government launched a consultation on its proposals to halve APD on flights from Scottish airports between 2018 and 2021, with a view to fully abolishing the charge beyond that date.

‘After many months of prevaricating, George Osborne had the perfect opportunity at today’s Budget to set out how he will ensure that Newcastle Airport is not damaged by APD devolution to Scotland.

‘Instead, we heard not a word about what is a critical issue for the North East, given the massive role played by the Airport in supporting our regional economy.

‘It is totally and utterly unacceptable for the Chancellor to allow this uncertainty to continue, and his continued ‘wait and see’ policy just doesn’t wash.

‘Regional airports like Newcastle need to know now how they will be protected, and any talk of a Northern Powerhouse is completely undermined by the Chancellor’s continued failure on this issue.’

– Catherine McKinnell, the MP for Newacstle North

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