
Region marks tenth anniversary of 7/7 bombings

At 11.30 this morning the region fell silent to remember those who were killed in the 7/7 terror attacks ten years ago.

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Region to mark tenth anniversary of 7/7 bombings

A minute's silence will be held across the region as part of the events to mark the tenth anniversary of the 7/7 bombings in London.

The aftermath of the Tavistock Square bomb Credit: Dylan Martinez / PA Archive

On 7th July 2005, 52 people were killed and hundreds more were injured during the terror attacks, which targeted people using public transport.

Survivors at Edgware Road, London. Credit: Edmond Terakopian / PA Archive

There will be a minute's silence across the North East today, July 7, at 11:30am, including at Newcastle Central Station.

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