Work starts to reduce flood risk along the River Skerne in Darlington

Work will get underway to remove large objects from the river Credit: Tyne Tees

Work is underway to reduce the risk of flooding in Darlington this winter.  The Environment Agency is clearing parts of the River Skerne to reduce the risk of flooding in and around the town centre.

Large bulky waste and fallen trees will be removed to ensure communities are prepared for flooding this winter.

It is hoped that works will protect areas from flooding in the winter months

The Environment Agency has 6,500 trained staff ready to operate defences, pumps and barriers this winter, and they have building and repairing defences all year.

Property owners are encouraged to sign up to the free Flood Warning Service, which gives people vital time to prepare in advance of a flood, such as securing important documents, switching off gas and electricity and moving valuables to safety.

Works in the area are needed as around 64% of properties along the River Skerne in receive flood warnings each year.