Meet the candidates standing for North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Elections are to be held for a new North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, after the former incumbent Philip Allott resigned.

It was following remarks he made over Sarah Everard's murder, which led to a unanimous vote of no confidence in Allott.

Here, we've gathered all the information on how and when you can vote, and who the candidates are.

What is a Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner?

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is responsible for overseeing how crime and community safety are tackled, and for providing services for victims of crime.

They are also there to hold the Chief Constable to account, to decide the police budget and how much council tax is charged for policing, and for monitoring the police budget and ensuring it is spent efficiently.

When is the election?

Thursday 25th November - 7am until 10pm.

The last day to register to vote is Tuesday 9th November.

How can I vote?

By postal ballot, in person at the polls, or by proxy.

The last day for apply for postal votes is Wednesday 10th November.

Who are the candidates?

Hannah Barham-Brown, Women's Equality Party

James Barker, Liberal Democrat

Zoe Metcalfe, Conservative

Emma Scott-Spivey, Labour

Keith Tordoff, Independent

You can find more information on the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner website.