Sunderland's Northern Spire opens to traffic for first time

The bridge is open to traffic for the first time Credit: ITV

Sunderland's Northern Spire bridge has opened to traffic for the first time.

The first cars to cross the bridge were Sunderland-built Nissan vehicles - one of them had an ITV News Tyne Tees crew inside.

The first member of the public to cross the bridge was Nigel Oxman.

More than 2,000 people have worked on building Northern Spire during the last three years, clocking up a million work-hours.

The bridge has a 105m central A-framed pylon and is the tallest structure in the North East. It will reduce congestion in the city, open up land for regeneration along the river, improve links between the A19 and Sunderland city centre and Port of Sunderland, whilst also boosting the economy and helping to create 6,000 jobs.

Press at the ribbon cutting ceremony Credit: ITV