Gateshead women who suffered 50 bone fractures to run the London Marathon

Charlotte Proud is taking on the London Marathon this Sunday (22nd April) Credit: Charlotte Proud

Charlotte Proud is 26 years old and from Gateshead.

She runs for the Saltwell Harriers.

Charlotte has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which is a rare genetic bone condition and is estimated to affect 1 in 15,000 people.

It means that her bones are very brittle and she has had more than 50 bone fractures.Charlotte started running about 6 years ago after being told that playing football was too much of a risk.She is currently employed as a Physiotherapy Associate Practitioner in Critical Care at the Freeman Hospital and this Sunday will take on the Virgin Money London Marathon.Good luck Charlotte!

Charlotte suffers from a genetic condition that means her bones are very brittle, but that's not stop her pursuing her running Credit: Charlotte Proud