A 5-week consultation has been arranged to discuss A19 improvements

A still image taken from Highway Englands presentation details the new changes to the A19 junction Credit: Highways England

A five week consultation meeting will take place to discuss the reconstruction of the A19.

The scheme will improve journeys for drivers along the A19 who will no longer need to negotiate the current Testos roundabout. Work involves raising the A19 on a flyover and building new slip roads to connect it to the A184 via the Testos roundabout.

The consultation begins on Monday 30 January and will run until Monday 6 March. Flyers have been sent to addresses in the area but brochures and questionnaires are available at local venues including Bunny Hill customer service centre and local libraries.

North East road users are encouraged to take part in a 5 week statutory consultation into the A19 Testos junction improvement scheme in Tyne and Wear.

A preferred option was already selected for the junction back in 2014 in accordance with the Planning Act 2008. Highways England wishes to carry out a consultation update to make sure that nothing has changed. This will also allow people who have recently moved to the area to have their say.